A pedreira desativada onde acontece o Ecosystem 1.0, em Manaus (AM), também será palco da segunda edição do evento, programada para o ano que vem. A área será transformada em unidade de conservação: o Parque da Cachoeira Alta do Tarumã.
O local do evento foi escolhido com o critério de recuperar uma área degradada, que pudesse ser utilizada para fins culturais pela população da cidade. Antigamente, a área de 360 mil metros quadrados, distante cerca de três quilômetros de Manaus, era coberta por floresta nativa. Nas últimas duas décadas, as operações de uma pedreira provocaram gandes impactos ambientais no local.
O futuro parque ecológico da cidade é cercado por floresta secundária (em recuperação), tem quatro lagos, uma cachoeira e dois igarapés (braços de rio). O cenário aproxima a realidade amazônica do público, sem a necessidade de cortar árvores ou pôr em risco um delicado ecossistema.
Toda a estrutura montada para o evento tem base em diretrizes ambientais, privilegiando o uso de materiais não-poluentes e combinando recursos locais com tecnologias limpas. A orientação ecológica do Greenpeace tem o objetivo de minimizar os impactos ambientais no meio ambiente da Amazônia.
No entanto, várias medidas ainda devem ser implementadas para recuperar o Parque da Cachoeira Alta do Tarumã e tornar a segunda edição do Ecosystem ambientalmente correta. Uma delas é empregar madeira certificada pelo FSC (1) na conclusão das obras. A outra é conduzir programas de reflorestamento da área com espécies nativas e realizar medidas para controlar a erosão do solo. Testes para caracterizar o tipo de contaminação dos lagos e igarapés que cortam o terreno e iniciar um programa de despoluição da água também é importante.
A estrutura do Ecosystem inclui duchas espalhadas pela área. Porém, é necessário implantar sistemas alternativos de tratamento de água, que não utilizem cloro como tratamento por ultravioleta ou por membrana.
Outra medida para tornar o projeto ambientalmente correto é eliminar todos os componentes de plástico PVC (policloreto de vinila) - que contém poluentes químicos - da infra-estrutura do Parque. Apesar das recomendações feitas pelo Greenpeace, a primeira edição do Ecosystem 1.0 utilizou PVC nas instalações elétricas e hidráulicas da estrutura do evento, por causa do prazo de entrega do material alternativo. O PVC deve ser substituído por ferro e polietileno.
Nesta primeira edição do evento, o Greenpeace realizou uma campanha pelo Greenfreeze - tecnologia que permite a produção de geladeiras e freezers com maior economia de energia e que não agride o meio ambiente. As geladeiras brasileiras liberam gases que destroem a camada de ozônio e provocam o aquecimento do planeta. Todas as fabricantes nacionais - Brastemp, Cônsul, BS-Continental, Electrolux e CCE - já utilizam, na Argentina e em países da Europa, a tecnologia Greenfreeze. A campanha da organização ambientalita exige que as fabricantes de geladeiras nacionais parem de tratar os consumidores brasileiros como consumidores de segunda classe. Só assim, na próxima edição do evento, será possível usar sistemas de refrigeração não-poluentes - sem CFCs e HCFCs.
O fornecimento de energia solar deve ser completamente implementado, através da instalação de painéis fotovoltaicos em número suficiente para suprir energia para toda a estrutura, além de priorizar concessões para associações de artesãos cuja renda seja revertida para comunidades locais.
Apesar do sucesso da coleta seletiva nesta primeira edição, o tratamento do lixo ainda pode ser melhorado. A construção de fossas para tratamento biológico (com bactérias) do esgoto também faz parte das diretrizes ambientais propostas pelo Greenpeace.
Outra proposta da organização ambientalista é a construção de uma ciclovia de acesso ao Parque da Cachoeira Alta do Tarumã, além de trilhas para bicicletas dentro do perímetro do Parque. Além disso, é necessário disponibilizar linhas permanentes de transporte coletivo de qualidade de diferentes pontos da cidade para o Parque e vice-versa.
Investir em programas e iniciativas de educação ambiental também é essencial para aumentar a consciência do público no sentido de preservar a floresta de maior biodiversidade do planeta: a Amazônia. “Ao colocar em prática soluções ambientais, o Parque da Cachoeira Alta do Tarumã torna-se um modelo de estrutura ambientalmente correta e prova que é possível promover grandes eventos sem deixar para trás um rastro de destruição”, disse Rebeca Lerer, da campanha da Amazônia do Greenpeace.
(1) O FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) é um sistema independente que certifica a madeira retirada da floresta, atendendo a rígidos padrões ambientais e sociais. Internacionalmente reconhecido, o FSC é uma garantia de que a madeira provém de fontes legais e sustentáveis.
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Ecosystem - Recovery of the Taruma Park
Recovery of the Taruma Park started in 2001, with Ecosystem 1.0, the first non - profit electronic music festival environmentally sound to take place in the Amazon rainforest and one of the largest parties that has ever happened in Brazil.
Located in the region of the Taruma waterfall, approximately 360,000 square meters of land has been allocated by the government of the Amazonas state for the creation of the ecological park. During the 80’s miners exploited the area leaving quarries and more recently, the inhabitants of Manaus have been using it as a place for leisure. Over the years it’s become degraded and used for as a dumping site until a few months before the festival. It’s a place of outstanding beauty with its four lakes, rocky plateaus and white sand beaches, as well as being surrounded by secondary forest and with a small stream passing through that is a tributary of the Negro River.
The Ecosystem project managed to bring together representatives from the government, NGOs and artists in aid of a common goal. It shows that the event embraces different sectors of society and that it is a real public interest event as well as it’s fun and cultural side, it has both content and official endorsement.
The government of the Amazonas state is working on recuperating the degraded area and on building the permanent structure for the Park, as well as giving structural support such as security, health aid and cleaning facilities.
Greenpeace has been involved in the project to supply the producers with ideas, guidelines and solutions that minimize the environmental impacts of such a big event. Although the organisation will not be participating, such guidelines should be used on upcoming editions to maintain the integrity of environmentally friendly event.
Liquid Sky, from New York, is in charge of the artistic direction (line up and inviting artists) and the promotion of Ecosystem around the world, using music and electronic culture to raise young peoples awareness about the protection of the Amazon rainforest.
Skateboarding championship
During Ecosystem 2 the venue hosted one round of the Brazilian Skateboarding Championship.“For the first time in skate’s history, one stage of the Professional Brazilian Championship, the most important contest of skateboarding in Brazil, will take place in Manaus. The competition will be the third round of the 2002 Brazilian Circuit, on the vertical category and will score points for the Brazilian ranking with a prize of R$ 10,000 (USD 5,000). The best Brazilian skateboarders will participate on this event, which is a partnership between the Brazilian Skateboarding Confederation (CBSK) and Ecosystem. The best ramp architect in Brazil is building the competition ramp: George Rotatori. The ramp will be part of the permanent structure of the Taruma Ecological Park therefore becoming available for the population of Manaus. This event is a landmark for Skateboarding as it is taking a high level competition to the Brazilian Amazon”Alexandre Vianna, head of the Brazilian Skateboarding Confederation (CBSK)
Skate Ramp
With the idea of tying a cultural event to the skate community, the proposal was to build a FSC certified skate ramp as part of the permanent facilities of the Taruma Ecological Park. It was the first FSC certified skate ramp on the planet creating a model that could be easily adopted in other countries, besides setting an example for the huge young crowd that is fond of skating.
Skating is an ecological sport, as it does not consume energy or huge amounts of natural resources. Although it’s typically an urban activity, Manaus has a chance to integrate it with the local environment in a unique way, attracting crowds of young people that experience freedom on a small wooden board.
Total engagement from the artists
Every artist and performer that participated in Ecosystem 1.0 and Ecosystem 2.0 played for free to help make the party come true. They also became Ancient Forests Guardians and signed a petition supporting the Greenpeace demands for the protection of the world’s ancient forests.
The Structure-Building certified Tents
The two main structures that have been built so far are wooden huts inspired on the Yanomami indigenous people’s architecture. Only FSC certified timber was used on the construction - FSC certification is a way to guarantee that the timber came from legal and sustainable logging. Each hut is around 30 meters diameter and can host up to 1,500 people.
At Ecosystem 1.0, such structures were the main dance floors. Maloca Jungle and Maloca Tekno, as they were called, hosted a lot of good music and the joy of thousands of young people. The acoustic was praised by several DJs and the maloca’s natural air conditioning systems made Manau’s weather bearable. Both tents were used in the same way at Ecosystem 2.0.NGOs and integration with local culture.Some organizations that have been developing environmental education and campaigns to protect the Amazon were present at the festival with booths to publicize their work and promote their products. They were Fundação Vitória Amazônica, Oficina Escola de Lutheria da Amazônia and COIAB.
More attention will be given by the producers to this space, where the Dj equipment will be open to amateur artists or to whoever is interested in playing for a little while. The structure will be similar to last year, a DJ booth and a nice open area for the public.
Cleaning and Garbage collection
Before the creation of the park, the lack of infrastructure to collect the garbage from the public left behind almost a ton of waste such as plastic bottles and aluminium cans. Such waste was collected, separated and sent to recycling /reusing after a careful cleaning operation was carried out by the Manaus municipality and oriented by Greenpeace just before Ecosystem 1.0. More than 70 car tires were removed from the lakes, evidence that the site was being illegally used as a dumpsite.
As for during the 4 days of Ecosystem, 160 drums painted in the international recycling colours were spread all over the venue for the selective collection of the garbage. All the waste generated during the event was collected, separated and sent to recycling (such as aluminium cans and plastic bottles) or reused (such as the organic waste). Another initiative was the attempt to reduce the amount of garbage, minimizing the use of disposable materials such as plastic glasses, which were replaced by returnable glasses.The public showed involvement and collaborated to keep the venue clean. Several European DJs and articles published in the international press praised the garbage collection system.
The 70 toilet cabins used a biodegradable chlorine free product. The sewage was taken to a treatment station to avoid pollution.
The other cleaning products used at the venue were also biodegradable.
The same procedures will be adopted in 2002.
Toxic Materials
Only metal-free paint was used on the construction, and biodegradable materials such as straw replaced plastic roofs on the structures.
The giant inflatable figures used to decorate the venue were made of nylon, a better alternative than PVC, which is a toxic plastic. PVC was also avoided on the tickets, promotional banners and identification cards.
Fiberglass replaced asbestos.
All promotional material concerning the event was printed on recycled, chlorine free paper.
Food Plaza
All necessary measures to ensure the reuse of the water, proper disposal of garbage, energy efficient equipment will be taken on the restaurant areas. The restaurant structure must be built with certified timber, again giving preference to biodegradable materials that are harmonic with the rest of the Park’s structure.
With regards to food, the guideline is to use local food once again such as acai and guarana and avoid GM foods (an updated list with the GM foods being sold in Brazil will be made available to the caterers). The promotion of organic food should also be a priority.
Water Treatment Systems
The water used on the showers and food plaza must be treated without clhorine. There are alternative clhorine free technologies which need to be researched until the best option is identified.
Renewable energy and air pollution
The site offers different opportunities for generating electricity from renewable sources. Ecosystem is working to have solar pannels in place to generate electricity enough to supply the park’s demand. The goal is to prove that it is possible to reduce the dependence on fossil fuels that are contributing to global warming and climate change.
Another measure is to push for the use of collective transport and reduce CO2 emissions, buses will be available to the public leaving from central points in Manaus to the venue. The government is committed to establish permanent bus lines to and from the park as part of the environmental guidelines.
Outdoor Furniture
FSC certified timber or metal benches and tables should be placed at strategic locations of the Park to offer more confort to the public and make better use of the space.
Some areas of the Park need to be reforested with native species. Part of the reforestation will be done during the festival (day time) offering the public and the artists a chance to plant a tree in the Amazon, on a truly public engagement initiative
Ecosystem 5.0
Ecosystem 5.0 will take place in Sao Paulo, Brasil on September 05, 2009. More details are on the way! Special thanks to all who made ECOSYSTEM 4.0 a success! Visit our Eco-Vision section to read more about previous Ecosystem events.
About Ecosystem
ECOSYSTEM is an ecological electronic music festival designed to raise awareness on the rainforest and all ecosystems.
Conceived by Carlos "SOUL" Slinger and the LIQUID SKY FAMILY, Ecosystem is a festival of celebration and learning. To communicate with the youth the urgent need to protect our environment, Ecosystem utilizes electronic music culture bringing top electronic acts and DJ's from around the globe supporting the cause. Through various workshops and presentations people will have the opportunity to learn about how they can contribute to a sustainable future.
Ecosystem Versions 1-3 were held in Manaus,Brasil, the heart of the Amazon Rainforest. with an average of 45,000 attendees each year making it one of the largest festivals in Brazil. The project brings together representatives from the government, NGO's and artists who work together in creating an environmentally sound event. The aim is for Ecosystem to become a model of environmental preservation, to show how it is possible to have an event of this magnitude without damaging the environment. The first two editions were under the environmental supervision of Greenpeace, who provided Ecosystem with "Ecological Guidelines" and strategies which will be used for all future versions.
Ecosystem 4.0
Special thanks to all who made ECOSYSTEM 4.0 a success! ECOSYSTEM 4.0 was held at the Memorial dos Povos Indígenas (Memorial for the Indigenous People) in Brasilia Planalto Central, the heart of central Brasil on September 22, 2007. Brasilia is the center of the Cerrado Region, the second largest of Brasil's major biomes. The Cerrado is is one of the top Hot Spots of biodiversity and one of the most threatened ecosystems today.
The event coincided with the second gathering of the Rainforest Alliance people. This is a meeting of leaders from indigenous tribes all over Brasil who come together to celebrate all biomes and ecosystems.
Memorial dos Povos Indígenas
Memorial for the Indigenous People
Praça do Buriti, Eixo Monumental Oeste
City Brasilia - DF
Tel. 061/3226-5206
Website: Memorial dos Povos Indígenas
Marcos Terena, Director of Memorial dos Povos Indigenas
Curadores da Terra
Amnesty International
Forest Conservation Portal
Forest Stewardship Council
Conservation International
Searchable reference of conservation projects
People for the ethical treatment of animals
NGO for Conservation
Conservation International
The World Game
World Rainforest Movement
The Green Guide
Pictures by Lisa and Andre Ismael
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